Employment Opportunity – ESCAM Project



The World Bank has extended a credit to the Government of Sri Lanka for Ecosystem Conservation and Management Project (ESCAMP) with the view of improving the management of sensitive ecosystems in selected locations for conservation and community benefits. The Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment (MoMDE) in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism Development Wildlife and Cristian Affairs (MoTDWCA) will execute the project through a Project Management Unit (PMU). The Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWC) will implement the project activities. The Department decided to hire individual consultant in the capacity of civil engineer to prove the service to the DWC. The Individual Consultant who attached to the DWC will predominantly be responsible to deliver and accomplish the construction and/or rehabilitation of infrastructure facilities in compliance with the DWC and ESCAMP’s project outcomes.


1. With consultation of the Project Counterpart of the Department of Wildlife Conservation, prepare annual Civil Construction Plans for that Departments based on their priorities and available budget;
2. With the assistance of the ESCAMP Procumbent Staff, to provide necessary guidance to Department of Wildlife Conservation and liaise with the agencies on World Bank requirements in procurement of civil works and minimum standard requirement of implementation of construction tasks;
3. Carrying out detailed designs of infrastructure as per the requirements of DWC
4. Preparation of bills of quantities, cost estimates, engineering drawings and providing technical input to bid documents.
5. Guide in the development of technical project and tender documentation (TOR, tender dossier, tender evaluation, etc.) for the implementation of specific construction tasks identified by the implementing agencies in their sub project and specified by the Programme/Project;
6. Participate in evaluation of bids to provide Civil Engineer expert inputs and selection of best bidder to the tender for construction works and assessment of the bidder’s competencies and experience against minimum qualification requirements as per the Request for Proposal/Invitation to Bid requirements;
7. Preparation of Terms of References (ToR) for detailed design for reconstruction/ rehabilitation of structures where needed;
8. Review and assess technical design documents for construction interventions;
9. Construction supervision, contract administration and progress monitoring and reporting of civil work contracts
10. Provide written report about the compliance of the evaluation process with World Bank project procurement procedures;
11. Conducts field visits for assessment of construction interventions and prepare necessary inspection reports;
12. Monitor and supervise construction works by perform monitoring field/on-site visits, upon provision of construction activities for the sub projects during the specific assignment;
13. Ensure that technical documentation on the construction site is maintained in accordance with relevant national laws and standards and contract for works;
14. Liaise closely with the PMU procurement specialist, environmental and social safeguards specialist to ensure smooth implementation of all civil works projects;
15. Establish and maintain close links with the relevant institutes involved in the Project and ensure their compliance with all relevant requirements and the adherence to Government and World Bank procedures;
16. Any other duties assigned by the Director General of the Department of Wildlife Conservation.

Normal working days and working hours applicable for government institutions will be applicable for this consultant as well. The consultant will be based in the Department. In line with the agreed monthly Work Programme, he/ she can attend for filed work for maximum of 10 days per month after obtaining written approval of the Director General.

APPLICATIONS: Please submit the Curriculum Vitae and the application on or before 26th Feb 2019 to the ESCAM Project Coordinator, Department of Wildlife Conservation, 811A, Jayanthipura, Battaramulla.

Comment (201)

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