Employment Opportunity – ESCAM Project




The World Bank has extended a credit to the Government of Sri Lanka for Ecosystem Conservation and Management Project (ESCAMP) with the view of improving the management of sensitive ecosystems in selected locations for conservation and community benefits. The Ministry of Environment and Wildlife Resources will execute the project through a Project Management Unit (PMU). The Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWC) will implement the project activities. The Department decided to hire individual consultant in the capacity of Technical Officer to prove the service to the DWC. The Individual Consultants will predominantly be responsible to deliver and accomplish the construction and/or rehabilitation of infrastructure facilities in compliance with the DWC and ESCAMP’s project outcomes.


1. With the guidance of the Consultant Civil Engineer assist the DWC to identify the priority civil works and prepare the annual Civil Work Plans.
2. Assist in the preparation of tender documentation (TOR, tender dossier, tender evaluation, etc.) for the implementation of specific construction tasks as required by the specific sub project and specified by the Programme/Project;
3. Assist in drafting specification of goods and services and relevant tender documents;
4. Supervision of civil construction programs of ESCAMP
5. Preparation of bills of quantities and cost estimates.
6. Conducts field visits and prepares assessment of construction interventions and prepare relevant reports;
7. Prepare technical documents for simple construction interventions and specifications for goods and services;
8. Draft/assess technical drawings, specifications and Bill of Quantities, geotechnical elaborates;
9. Review environmental/social due diligence documents for construction interventions to ensure design recommendations are incorporated accordingly;
10. Perform monitoring field/on-site visits, upon provision of construction activities for the sub projects during the specific assignment;
11. Ensure that technical documentation on the construction site is maintained in accordance with relevant national laws and standards and contract for works as required by the World Bank;
12. Recommend final handover documentation upon completion of all construction works in each sub-project;
13. Liaise closely with the PMU procurement and environmental and social safeguard staff to ensure smooth implementation of all civil works and related goods and services projects;
14. Prepare, present and maintain status reports for projects under implementation and for completed projects and brief on them to Engineer of the Department;
15. Any other duties assigned by the Director General

Normal working days and working hours applicable for government institutions will be applicable for this consultant as well. The consultant will base in the Department of Wildlife Conservation. In line with the agreed monthly Work Programme, he can attend for the filed work for maximum of 10 days per month after obtaining the written approval of the Director General.

APPLICATIONS: Please submit the Curriculum Vitae and the application on or before 16th March 2020 to the ESCAM Project Coordinator, Department of Wildlife Conservation, 811A, Jayanthipura, Battaramulla.

Comment (31)

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